From Denny: The past two weeks I've spent a lot of time praying for the people caught up in this nuclear mess in Japan. Pray with me that more will decide to leave the country and quickly. The situation is far more serious than officials wish to tell. Millions of people will die soon from this plutonium nuclear explosion. The rush is on to evacuate a few hundred thousand if we can. Already two weeks of time have been squandered for evacuation. If you know anyone in Japan, call, email them to get out and get out now. If you know charities, call them to start accepting refugees throughout the world. This country is in serious peril.
The Social Poets: Japan: Probable Breach, Time to Kill The Reactors, Cartoons: "As engineers scramble to discover the details of what is happening inside the most dangerous reactor, number three, the one containing plutonium, the politicians scramble their message and the truth of information.
This week the Japanese decided to change the standard of what the plant workers are exposed to when they discovered it was 250 times the acknowledged international standard. Leave it to the dogma crowd to downplay the severity of this situation by declaring 'new standards' of radiation levels so that the plant workers are only exposed to 2.5 times their new standard."